The school is set amidst natural surroundings. The school is intent upon developing a new technique in education, a method for drawing out the talents latent in the child . This would be achieved through promotion of creative activities encouraged by the teachers fostered with love and kindness. In addition to the instruction of the three ‘R’s the school is concerned with the three ‘C’s of real education – culture, creativity and comradeship. Children are trained in the following co-curricular activities: Swimming, Dance & Music, Pony ride, Playpen, Cycling, and K.G Lab, Bunny, Storytelling, Audio Visual room & English Lab. Planned field trip helps in the teaching – learning process.
Independence Day, Republic Day, Teacher’s Day, Gandhi jayanthi, Children’s Day and festivals like Christmas, Dussehra, Id, Pongal and Onam are celebrated to make the children aware of their importance.
Periodical exhibition, talent shows and competitions are conducted to instill the spirit of participation and competition in children.
The school has a well equipped library and an audio-visual center with multimedia projection systems.
Regular classes are conducted for Pre.K.G, L.K.G & U.K.G along with Montessori sections consisting of Montessori I, Montessori II & Montessori III.
In the regular stream teaching is mostly chalk and talk along with apt books and kindergarten lab materials to develop an eagerness for continued learning, an intellectual curiosity and the ability to use their knowledge for creative purpose.
On the other hand Montessori sections make use of the numerous Montessori materials like cylinder boxes, geometric insets colored beads , flash cards and the like.
Sishu Utsav:
In an age of competitions, Sishu Utsav conceived and conducted by Kumara Rani’s Chettinad Vidyalaya engages young minds in exploring challenges and facing them with élan. A platform is provided for children to showcase their talents and join hands with their friends from the neighborhood schools promising more accomplishments in the times to come.
Hosted by Vidhyala, children under five years of age from the city schools participate in events that include Drawing & Coloring, Group dance, Fancy dress, Storytelling & Group action song . The best school with the maximum points will be awarded a Trophy.
Fun Day:
Every year one Day is totally devoted to fun and games. The school provides Merry – go round, Mini giant wheel, Bouncy castle & Toy train. Its pure fun and frolic for the kids
Day care:
Day care facility is available for Montessori I and Pre.K.G, L.K.G children from 12 noon till 3.30 p.m.